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School Supplies 2021-2022 School Year

Renton School District will again provide school supplies for all elementary and middle school students. School supplies will be provided in classrooms at the start of the school year and families will pay a low, one-time fee of $30 ($10 for families on free/reduced lunch) for enough school supplies for the entire school year. Students should bring their own backpacks and lunchboxes.

Families can pay the one-time fee online through their Online Payment account. Families who wish can continue to purchase and bring their own school supplies.

High school students will continue to provide their own school supplies: class specific supply lists will be provided in classrooms as school begins.

El Distrito Escolar de Renton nuevamente proporcionará útiles escolares para todos los estudiantes de primaria y secundaria. Los útiles escolares se proporcionarán en las aulas al comienzo del año escolar y las familias pagarán una tarifa única baja de $ 30 ($10 para familias con almuerzo gratis o reducido) por suficientes útiles escolares para todo el año escolar. Los estudiantes deben traer sus propias mochilas y loncheras.

Las familias pueden pagar la tarifa única en línea a través de su cuenta Online Payment.Las familias que lo deseen pueden continuar comprando y traer sus propios útiles escolares.

Local Improvement Network report 2020

In 2016, Renton School District committed to a bold, new approach to improving outcomes for students in a historically underserved area of the district. It began as West Hill NOW! and quickly expanded to become the Renton Innovation Zone. It focused on improvement strategies to support educators in increasing student engagement, designing instruction that is based on conceptual understanding, and building classroom and school communities that support all learners in meeting standard. In addition, the district increased resources to the schools in the Renton Innovation Zone to support them in their intentional strategies to increase family partnerships.

Yet, we know we can’t do it alone, so in 2018 we further expanded this effort by engaging more deeply and explicitly with our community partners. The Renton Local Improvement Network (LIN) has been established to promote partnership between schools, families, community leaders, and community-based organizations. The groups work together with the goal of increasing math proficiency, strengthening the social and emotional learning, and serving the whole child.

Read the recent Local Improvement Network report which highlights lessons learned from year one of the first LIN pilot in Renton and tells the story of how this work began.

Teachers study data

Bryn Mawr Elementary School teachers spent a recent teacher training day continuing their evaluation of individual and systemic practices that are inequitable to students of color. 

Staff continued their learning journey about issues of equity in education, anchoring their work in Zaretta Hammond’s book, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain. Bryn Mawr teacher-leaders led colleagues through a data carousel where they analyzed current student behavior data broken down by ethnicity and behavior, diving deeply into what data says about how student behavior is being addressed and how to dismantle the inequities within practices at school.

The work is part of Renton School District's mission to remove barriers and pursue outcomes that enable all students to realize their potential and maximize their future.